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Our Learning

We provide our students with diverse opportunities to reach their full potential, inspiring the leader within each individual child. We believe all children can learn and develop self-confidence, self-esteem and self-discipline in a safe and supportive community.


Active and effective participation in society depends on the ability to speak, listen, read, view and write with confidence, purpose and enjoyment in a  range of contexts.

At Gladesville, Foundation - Grade 2 students participate in daily InitiaLit sessions. InitiaLit is an evidence-based whole-class literacy program which will provide all children with the essential core knowledge and strong foundations to become successful readers and writers. 

Students in Grade 3- 6 participate in daily reading and writing workshop sessions to build on  their foundational literacy skills. They engage with the Spell -It spelling program where they learn the rules, conventions, structure and logic of the English language.



Gladesville students are provided with opportunities to experience success as mathematicians, through a variety of activities including skills development, solving real life problems, open ended questions, and participating in mathematics games and challenges. 

An important aspect of numeracy is to be literate in your numeracy, that is, to be able to read, write, discuss and comprehend numeracy tasks. This is embedded in our curriculum and we recognize the important role it plays. Students have digital access to Mathletics and Essential Assessment to support their learning in Mathematics both at school and at home. 


Inquiry Learning

Students at Gladesville engage with MAPPEN units of inquiry to develop their understanding of themselves and the world in which they live.  Through rich essential questions, students explore History, Geography, Civics and Citizenship, Economics and Business, Science, Critical and Creative Thinking, Ethical Understanding Capability, Personal and Social Capability and Intercultural Capability. Through a two year scope and sequence students cover the concepts of:


  • Community

  • Identity

  • Sustainability

  • Change

  • Social Justice

  • Discovery

  • Creativity

  • Connections



Learning languages develops students understanding about the role of language and culture in communication. Students engage in a range of learning opportunities including singing, dancing, role plays and games, as well as our pen pal program. Each year we have an Indonesian performance visit the school. Indonesian language is used to greet all students each day as part of our morning mini assemblies.

Inquiry Learning

Physical Education

The Health and Physical Education curriculum plays a significant role in building the knowledge, skills and understanding that apply to a range of health, safety and movement contexts. Students are supported to develop skills that lead to individual and team sports games. Students participate in a range of whole school events such as Athletics Day, swimming program, The Colour Run and Jump Rope for Heart. Students in the senior school participate in inter-school sports. 


Visual Arts

Through Visual Arts, students make and respond using visual arts knowledge, understanding and skills to express themselves and their thinking. Learning in Visual Arts helps students to develop an understanding of world cultures and their responsibilities as global citizens. All students have their artworks showcased as part of the annual Art Show in Term 4. 

Physical Education
Visual Arts

Performing Arts

Performing Arts enables students to imagine and participate in the exploration of their worlds, individually and collaboratively. Students use body, gesture, movement and voice to take on roles to explore real and imagined worlds. All students participate in the annual production where they have the opportunity to dazzle the community with their amazing talents in Term 2.



Science and technology learning serves as a means to expand students curiosity and willingness to explore, ask questions and speculate on the changing world in which they live. Students develop the ability to solve problems, and make informed decisions about current and future applications of science while taking into account the ethical and social implications of decisions. Coding Club, LEGO Lunchtime and Environmental Club are some of the additional opportunities that support the STEM program.

Performing Arts
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