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Gladesville achievements in the news!


On March 23, the Herald Sun posted an article about the top performing schools in the state of Victoria. We are absolutely delighted to be the top school in the state for the percentage of above average progress for numeracy, grade three to grade five in 2021!

These results were also highlighted in the Lilydale Star Mail on March 29 - read the Star Mail article here:

These remarkable results are a testament to the Gladesville Primary School staff and their dedication to targeted school improvement. This improvement has been led by Keylie Groen in her role as out Primary Maths Specialist at Gladesville, with the support of all teaching and learning staff. Staff have participated in a range of professional learning opportunities and developed deep understandings about literacy instruction and student engagement.

Over the past few years students have increased their love of mathematics by engaging in rich learning tasks, using purposeful mathematical equipment including mentor texts with rich mathematical language and being supported by enthusiastic teachers who share their love of maths everyday.

Congratulations to our students and staff on these wonderful outcomes!

Maths really is so much fun!!!

Nicki Wood Principal

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